Importance of coating

Pipeline corrosion coating means that the continuous cover layer of insulating material on the metal surface and it prevents direct contact with the electrolyte to the metal. From the principle of electrochemical corrosion analysis, we can understand the electrochemical corrosion must have a few basic conditions: Steel as the anode corrosion, its potential is lowest. The electrolyte solution with low resistance, seep into the iron interface from the outside. In the corrosion process has enough oxygen to maintain at a certain level.
The use of coating to protect the steel is to enhance its corrosion potential and cut off electrolyte so as not to form corrosion cell. As a polymer film, coating can reduce the influence of corrosion factors in order to play the role of anti corrosion. In summary, the protective effect of coating on steel mainly has three kinds, shielding effect, corrosion inhibition and cathodic protection.
Stack anti-corrosion pipeline
In the construction work zone, anti-corrosion pipeline generally placed in the car. The pipe with sandbags gaskets at both ends is not allowed to touch the ground and the minimum distance between the tube and the ground is 0.2 M. If it’s inadvisable to temporary discharge pipe in the construction work zone, temporary stack pipe field should be set up depending on site conditions. Try to set the venue stacking tube in the non-farming area where is convenient construction and the venue should be smooth and compacted.Pipeline with anti-corrosion is quite important, and there are some questions should be paid attention to when transporting the pipeline.
Anti-corrosion pipeline transportation
- All the anti-corrosion pipelines must pass the factory inspection, when the pipes delivered to the specified address, the transportation management staff and the reception staff check coated pipes and fill out the view record. Serious damage to the coating of the tube should be shipped back to the preservative precast plant.
Anti-corrosion pipe is transported by special vehicle and the bottom of vehicle chooses thickness not less than 15mm rubber sheet having a width of not less than 100mm in order to reduce the impact of abrasions. Transport of vehicles must be restricted avoiding sudden braking to prevent pipe displacement or damage to the coating.
Loading and unloading pipes using crane or pipelayer. Coated pipes handling should use special harnesses with hanging and dropping gently. In the contact surface pad soft material avoiding bump and should pay particular attention to orifice protection. The angle between corrosion-resistant pipes and the slings should not less than 30°in the hoisting process.
Corrosion-resistant pipes stacking height of not more than three layers stack pipe support to the tube in the center stack prevail, symmetrically arranged, the distance from the ends of the pipe end support for 1.2-1.8m, pipe pile supporting two pipe both sides of the crib wedge should be set to prevent the roller tube.
The strapping material to avoid damage of pipeline coatings as the standard when transport vehicles transporting pipe. Prohibit wirerope directly tied steel pipe and use nylon strapping. strapping tools parts touching the tube pad a soft material to avoid damage of pipeline coatings.